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(Article) The “Energy Idiocracy” Has Arrived

Mark Mathis*

We’ve entered the Idiocracy… 483 years early.

In 2006, 20th Century Fox released the goofy science fiction film, “Idiocracy.” As an experiment, a man of average intelligence is put into hibernation, and is lost for 500 years. When he re-emerges, he discovers something astonishing. People have become so dumb, he’s now the smartest man on the planet.

I believe people are losing their intelligence about important things (i.e., energy) because they accept the blatant lies and exaggerations that are spewed at an ever-increasing pace from their leaders who collaborate with most of the news media, activists, and corporate elites.

As of this writing, the U.S. is poised to turn the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022” into law. The Act will spray $433 billion additional dollars onto the raging inflation fire that’s destroying the U.S. economy. Only in the Idiocracy could spending insane amounts of money translate into “inflation reduction”. But it gets worse. Much worse.

Inflation Reduction Act

A whopping $369 billion will be wasted on renewable energy and climate projects. Most of the cash will be handed to corporations in the wind, solar, and electric car sectors. In the Idiocracy, most people don’t understand that these subsidies will be paid by them in the form of higher taxes, electricity rates, and transportation fuel costs. As if to rub more salt into the wound, the new law will give $80 billion to the Internal Revenue Service so the government can extract even more money from the people who actually work in the real economy.

Solar panels- from Reuters

The timing of this monetary monstrosity couldn’t be more idiotic. Here’s why:

• U.S. electrical grids are in bad shape. The nation doesn’t have nearly enough baseload power from coal, natural gas, and nuclear. This new law will put even more unreliable electricity on grid systems that are already near the breaking point. Widespread blackouts in the coming months and years are inevitable.
• Russia’s invasion of Ukraine accelerated the European energy crisis of high prices and energy shortages. It seems quite likely that some Europeans (perhaps thousands) will freeze to death this winter as there will not be enough natural gas for heating.

• Nations that embraced fanciful ideas about dramatically reducing their use of fossil fuels are in big trouble. Former industrial powerhouse Germany is the poster child with the continent’s highest electricity prices and looming energy shortages. Sri Lanka, which famously opted to become a model for ESG has collapsed. Dutch farmers have been protesting for a month since their high court suspended permits for construction projects that use nitrogen compounds. Riots in many cities broke out in Bangladesh when the government raised petrol/diesel prices by about 50 percent.

• Supply chain problems are stubbornly resistant across many sectors. The consequences of fertilizer shortages and subsequently higher food prices are still on the way.

• China is emboldened. U.S. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, needlessly provoked the Communist government with a pointless visit to Taiwan, a nation that produces more than 90 percent of the world’s microchips.

After Pelosi left, China encircled Taiwan with rocket and ballistic missile fire. The Chinese are now openly talking about taking over Taiwan, which would likely throw energy and everything else into chaos.

The examples of great stress to energy systems across the world are piling up fast. When the stresses become too much for people to handle, they revolt against their leaders. You would think that Democrat members of the US Congress and President Biden would be more circumspect in such perilous times.

You would think they would understand that this is a terrible time to be jamming through purely partisan legislation that weakens the economy as well as the reliability of energy systems.

Pump jacks operate at sunset in Midland, Texas- from Reuters

Yes, but the key phrase is, “You would think…” In the Idiocracy, thinking is an outmoded concept.

The idiocy of western leaders

To underscore the idiocy of western leaders let’s consider two recent reports.

• In Australia the Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its best coral cover in 36 years. A decade ago, experts told us the GBR was dying, that burning fossil fuels was the cause, and that we needed to decarbonize fast.
• According to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, today’s average global temperature is only 0.1C (.18F) higher than the 1979-2000 average. Is this the “crisis” we are wrecking everything to avoid?

But never mind the good news that perhaps the climate hysteria driving the anti-fossil fuel movement is overblown. In the Idiocracy, laws must be passed, money must be wasted, reliable energy systems must be abandoned, and civilizations must be thrown into chaos.

* Mark Mathis, Author, “Feeding the Media Beast”& Filmmaker, “spOILed” and “Fractured” & Video Producer, Clear Energy Alliance


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